@article{oai:hosen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000225, author = {南陽, 慶子 and NANYO, Yoshiko}, issue = {2}, journal = {こども教育宝仙大学紀要, Bulletin of Hosen College of Childfood Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study aims to examine one of Sozo Kurahashi’s arguments about content related to childcare, or “Dan-wa”, by focusing on a lecture record of Kurahashi performed at the Tokyo Women’s Higher Normal School Childcare Training Department in 1934-1935. As a result, Kurahashi stated that there are two aspects for “Dan-wa”: “Conversation” and “Storytelling”. In Conversation, Kurahashi noticed that becoming a good listener and sympathizing with a child are important roles for a kindergarten teacher. Further, it was emphasized that to enjoy familiarity by communicating with each other is more important than correcting the contents or the words in children’s speech. Concerning Storytelling, narrating “a story” to children includes two different activities, which are expression and imagination, and it was also stressed that the activity of Storytelling has to attempt to connect with a child’s inner consciousness. This study clarified that this argument made by Kurahashi has succeeded in being included within the scope of “Language” in the current kindergarten curriculum guidelines.}, pages = {59--68}, title = {倉橋惣三の保育思想における「談話」論 ─「保育法」講義録を中心に─}, volume = {9}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ナンヨウ, ヨシコ} }