@article{oai:hosen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000123, author = {恒松, 由記子 and Tsunematsu, Yukiko}, journal = {こども教育宝仙大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The United Kingdom is widely recognized as a world leader in the production of longitudinal research resources and their use in the analysis of developmental and life course processes. I would like to introduce a unique population based longitudinal cohort study called ALSPAC (Avon longitudinal Study of Parents and Children) as a visiting report on 28th November 2006. My visit to Bristol University was supported by the Government Study Group of Prof. Utsugi (Chief investigator) concerning `Ethical Issues of Secondary Use of Health Information.' Most of data prepared for writing this issue were mainly obtained from the URL of ALSPAC (http://www.alspac.ac.uk).}, pages = {139--150}, title = {「Avon両親・子ども縦断調査研究」(ALSPAC)から学ぶことは何か?}, volume = {3}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ツネマツ, ユキコ} }